Template for YourLabs core-dev to reply to unclear issuesΒΆ

We could not reproduce your issue. If it's still a problem for you, please
respond to this issue using the following template:

    OS Version:
    Python version:
    Django version:
    App version:
    Database version (if appliable):
    Database driver version (if appliable):
    Browser version (if appliable):

    Traceback (please paste the COMPLETE traceback here):

    Forms (only paste relevant section):

    Models (only paste relevant section):

    autocomplete_light_registry (only paste relevant section):

    javascript / html if relevant:

    How to reproduce this bug:


    Excepted result:

    Actual result:

If you want a almost garanteed fast answer, then instead of pasting
Models/autocomplete_light_registry/javascript/html above, you could:

- fork the repo,
- reproduct your issue in a new, simple app in `autocomplete_light/example_apps`
- it should be reproducible in `test_project/manage.py runserver`.

See details in community documentation: http://docs.yourlabs.org

Thanks a lot for helping django-autocomplete-light better.


YourLabs core-dev team